Friday, November 20, 2009

Reflections: Week 9 and 10

Week 9
This week we learned about advocacy. We started our new blog series of blogs which is the advocacy project. For this I found out who my political representatives were, and read about advocacy. This was a good assigment for me because I had no idea who a lot of my representatives were or how to contact them. kinda sad, but true!  During class we split into groups to help explain advocacy better.
My Eco-chic lifestyle change didn't go very well this week. I forgot my reusable bags both time I went to the grocery store!

Week 10
This week I had another blog for my advocacy project. I chose a Healthy People goal, which was "Promote Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Associated with Diet and Weight." The objective I chose:19-3 Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese. The sub-objective I chose: 19-3c Children and adolescents aged 6 to 19.
In class we watched the the video "Unnatural Causes". It's really sad how money can have such a affect on life expectancy. And that the U.S. spends around 2 trillion dollars on med care and there are still so many people suffering and dieing from preventable illness. I couldn't beleive that in certain areas of the U.S. the age at which people die can be assumed and is normal under the average life expectancy. The study on monkeys was also fascinating to me. How the monkeys that were more stressed had much more plaque build up in there hearts than the dominant monkey of the group.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Share and Voice: "Plastic Bag Recyling in Duluth"

I came across this information and thought it was really cool! Unveiled Nov. 4th, 2009 Duluth is starting a new plan for recyling plastic bags. Outside of retailers, such as Super One Foods, plastic bag recyling bins are going to be placed outside of doors.

A lot of the plastic bags from these bins is going to be taken by the Trax Company, Inc. This company uses recycled wood and plastic to make material for decks, railings, and fences.

So look for these new bins outside of our stores and bring any plastic bags you have laying around your house!!

Here's a deck made from Trex material!

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 7

My SMART goal for this was the same as last week, "I will use a reusable bag everytime I go to the grocery store or Target." This week went much better. I did go to Target once and didn't bring my bag, but that's because I only needed two things so I just carried my items out. I also went to the grocery store once and remembered my bags.

This week there weren't as many challenges for me. However, if I would have ended up needing a bag at Target I wouldn't of had one. This is because I rode with a roommate. It's a definite challenge to remember to grab my bags out of my car if I am riding with someone else.

This week I was able to remember by to put my bags back in my car, and keep them there. After I went to the grocery store this week, I unpacked my grocerys and immediately brought my bag to my car. It makes me feel really good to get back on track and keep up with my goal!

What I Learned
Dr. V had mentioned that Mount Royal takes a little money off your final bill if you have a reusable bag, and that's where I went this week and they did! I don't remember how much, but I think 10 cents or so.

Plans for Next Week
I will keep my goal the same for next week. I will use a reusable bag everytime I go to the grocery store or Target." 

Monday, November 16, 2009

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

The topic that I chose was "Promote Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Associated with Diet and Weight"
The objective I chose:19-3 Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.Sub-objective I chose: 19-3c Children and adolescents aged 6 to 19.

for 13-c : 'moved -83% away from the target.'

Disparities for 13-c: 
  Race and ethnicity
-The group with the best rate for 19-c is White non-hispanics
- Disparities from the best group rate are Hispanic or Latino and Black non-Hispanic. Both being 50-99% away from the disparity group.
Gender, Income, and Disability
-Females with higher income are in the best group rate.
-Males are less than 10% from the best group rate.
-Lower incomes are 10-49% away from the best group rate.

Opportunities and Challenges

Data and Community involvement are crucial to aide in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Dietary Guidelines help to manage weight and the risk of chronic disease by identifying healthy eating and physical activity patterns. Other tools to help establish positive eating habits are the DASH-Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension-eating plan and food labels.

Instituting healthy behaviors in children may possibly increase the prevention of obesity and diet related disease later in life. School wellness policies are sponsored by HHS partnered with USDA. Children should also be taught in the classroom healthy behaviors. Curriculum should range from a variety of topics, such as, nutrition and energy balance within the body. Parents and caregivers also play an important role in the prevention of obesity and disease

Emerging Issues
Since obesity has started to increase, new drugs and bariatric surgery will most likely become popular options for treatment. More data and monitoring should to be collected for these and other possible therapies surrounding this issue. Although, preventing people from becoming obese would be the best way to help stop the current trend of obesity in the U.S.

Related Bill
H.F. 0784 State reimbursement increased for reduced price school lunch meals from 12 to 52 cents per meal, and money appropriated

Sponsor: Newton

Last major action: 2/16/2009 it was referred by Chair to K-12 Education Finance Division

Recommendation: Vote Yes for H.R. 0784 State reimbursement increased for reduced price school lunch meals from 12 to 52 cents per meal, and money appropriated.

My Political Representative: State Representative Joe Hoppe