Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Share and Voice: "Plastic Bag Recyling in Duluth"

I came across this information and thought it was really cool! Unveiled Nov. 4th, 2009 Duluth is starting a new plan for recyling plastic bags. Outside of retailers, such as Super One Foods, plastic bag recyling bins are going to be placed outside of doors.

A lot of the plastic bags from these bins is going to be taken by the Trax Company, Inc. This company uses recycled wood and plastic to make material for decks, railings, and fences.

So look for these new bins outside of our stores and bring any plastic bags you have laying around your house!!

Here's a deck made from Trex material!


  1. This is an awesome fine! We have a drawer at my house where we stick our plastic bags that we accumulate, I am definitely bringing them there!

  2. This is cool! It is great to see that our city is going green just like our class.

  3. this is awesome that this is happening locally! thanks for sharing!
