Monday, December 14, 2009

Share 'N' Voice: Banned Bottled Water

I have a subscription to Vegetarian Times Magazine, and I came across a really cool article. This past July, a town in Australia called Bundanoon became the first town in Australia, and most likely the World, to ban the sale of any bottled water in their town.

The ban is called 'Bundy on Tap' or 'BOT' and it came about because a Syndey- based beverage company called Norlex was planning on building a water extraction plant in their town. This wasn't allowed, so Norlex planned on continuing to build the plant, and then ship the water out of town to be bottled. The person behind BOT realized that if the town was against having that company in their town, why would it make sense to sell the finished product in their town. So the town voted, and almost everyone voted YES on discontinuing the sale of water bottles. The town then started selling re-usable water bottles, and installed 4 filtered-water drinking fountains with spouts that made refilling water bottles easy.


  1. This is so awesome! Great find Maggie! Can you imagine what it would be like if the U.S. did that?

  2. this is so cool, I hope that it catches on all across the world!
