Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'N' Seed: Final Review of "Under a Green Sky"

Overview of "Under a Green Sky" by Peter Ward
The beginning of this book wasn’t my favorite. It had very specific information, that I wasn’t that interested in. It also involved many view points from the author and other paleontologists about the various topics I’ve talked about. Some of the viewpoints and theories would get very lengthy and boring to read. However, when Peter Ward was discussing the K-T extinction, which was when the Earth was most likely hit by a giant meteor and the debris that was blown into the atmosphere. Causing total blackness, and ultimately killing off most of the species. I think that this was one of the most significant things I learned in this book. This is because it’s always possible for another meteor to strike the Earth.

The second part of the book was more attention-grabbing. It was really interesting to read about how the Earth almost frozen at one point, and it was the rise in greenhouse gases that was responsible for completely changing the temperature all over the World, causing it to thaw. This was the second most significant thing I read about. Our greenhouse gases are rising now, causing the temperature to rise to happen everywhere. This is important because history is already starting to repeat itself, and many people don’t realize what can happen if the green house gases continue to rise. Reading this book can help open people’s eyes to the past, and what can happen.

This leads to the third most significant part of the book. When Ward discussed that the next extinction could be caused by a green house extinction. When he said that it would only take a 25 foot rise in the Earths oceans to wipe out half of the World’s population I was blown away! And that by the year 3000 it is supposed to rise by 200 feet. This is extrememly important information, and something that I think I should have known before reading this book.

I would recommend this book.. or to even just skim the first couple of chapters, get a general idea, and read the whole second half. I found that much more interesting. But overall I learned A LOT from this book, and have found myself telling people random facts from it.


  1. I think it's great that you can be honest about not being too fond of the first half. I definitely would consider reading this book though, sounds very informative!

  2. I felt kinda the same way with the first half of my was a little hard to get into. But it sounds like you ended up enjoying the rest of it!
