Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

Maggie Flolid

18 Artavia

Duluth, MN 55811

Dec. 5, 2009

Rep. Joe Hoppe

317 State Office Building

100 Rev. Martin Luther King Blvd.

St. Paul, MN 55155

Dear Representative Hoppe,

It is crucial to the well being of Minnesota children that you support HF 0784 to increase state reimbursement for school lunch. State funding has not kept pace with dramatic increases in food costs, a situation that is detrimental to the health and education of our state’s children. School nutrition is especially vital for low-income children who may not have access to fresh, healthy food at home.

The Minnesota School Nutrition Association supports an increase in school lunch aid, citing increased food costs and research that shows healthy food is crucial to student growth and achievement. The association says that there is currently a 37 cent gap between the cost of producing school lunch and revenues received.
As a Health Education major at the University of Minnesota Duluth, I have studied the link between adequate nutrition and the ability to learn. Researchers have clearly documented that getting adequate nutrition is essential to full intellectual development. Moreover, under nutrition impacts children’s behavior, school achievement and cognitive development.

A study by the USDA concluded that school lunch programs have had to offer fewer whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables as costs for these wholesome foods increases. Clearly, the long-term effects of not adequately funding school lunch are immense.

Please give your support to this important bill. Minnesota’s school districts – and more importantly, children – would greatly benefit from its passage. I appreciate your consideration for healthier, more equitable schools.


Maggie Flolid

UMD student