Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 9

Week 9
This past week had been a little difficult, due to the fact that I was in the cities for most of it. Right after break I went to the grocery store and remembered my bags. But I went to Trader Joes with my mom while in the cities and didn't have any re-usable bags with me, especially since we were in a rental car.  It was frustrating for me because we used 3 paper bags, because we also bought grocery's for my brother.

When I was using my car and I was up in Duluth, I remembered to use my re-usable bags.

Once again the problem arose that when I go grocery shopping with someone else, not in my car, I never have a re-usable bag.  It is frusterating for me that this has become such a challenge. Since I was in a rental car, this was a semi unavoidable, but it has become an ongoing problem.

Plans for Next Week
My goal for next week will remain the same. "I will use a re-usable bag everytime I go to the grocery store or Target."


  1. I just bought a reusable bag that is collapsable that folds up into a pretty small size...I just stick it in my purse since I always have that with me!

  2. your doing awesome! Since I added this into my goal, I never realized how hard it is to remember it EVERY TIME! good job!
