Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflection Post: Week 7 and 8

Week 7
I wasn't in class again this week becuase I was still sick. But I did watch the documentary Green. and Wow! It was really heartbreaking to watch parts of this. I had never even heard of a petroochemical plant before! The fact that these people living in Louisiana have to live with these conditions and suffer from these health aliments because of these plants is so sad. In some areas as many as 150 of these petrochemical  plants and those plants can produce around 25% of the nations petrochemicals. These areas have the the nations highest toxic emissions. 
Also, Steve sent me an e-mail with the worksheet that Dr. V handed out during class. The all natural homecleaning tips are really cool! I actually almost bought some fruit and vegetable wash today at the grocery store and then didn't changed by mind. I'll have to give the all natural way a try! And I'm for sure going to try the rust remover trick of just using a little salt and lime and letting it sit on the rust spot for a few minutes.
This week we almost had a eco-chic lifestyle change post and an eye-opener post. The eye-opener post was about what kind of harm that some porducts we use on our skin can cause. The website we went to called Environmental Working Group. I chose to look up the deodorant I wear and was concerned with some of the health problems it can cause. 

Week 8

This week in class was watched the film Thirst. This was about the controversy over water in different parts of the world. In Stockton, CA the community's water system was in the processes of going from public to being owned by a private company. This was causing an uproar with in the community. If that happened in the town I lived it a was be angry too! Havinng my water be owned by a company to do what they want with it would be a scary thing! Also, I found it interesting that in India water is being sold for the price of milk so then some people aren't able to afford it. I am so frustrated that this starting to happen with water. I agree with the video, water should be for people- not for profit!
Also this week I changed my eco-chic lifestyle change to make it a little more difficult. I am now always going to use reusable bags when I go to Target. Another blog from this week was our eye-opener. it was a really neat website that gave fun tips of "junking" and  "upcycling".  I picked 3 of my favorite projects from the website Junkmarket Style.


  1. I liked the tips in the e-mail too!! theres so many things you can do that many people dont even think of!

  2. Watching Thirst was definitely scary! It is crazy to me that in India the price of water is the same as milk...can I say sad! I agree that it is really frustrating!

  3. I also liked the handout that Steve sent us! If you try one of them let us know if it works!
