Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 5

My SMART goal for this week was to use a 'reusable bag everytime I go grocery shopping.' It went really well this week, except that I went to Target yesterday to get like 2 things so I wasn't going to use any bag, and ended up buying grocerys there, of course. So that was kind of a disappointment for me.

When I went to the actual grocery store this week I remembered my reusable bags. . The cashier that rang me up was like, "good for you!" Which makes me feel really good, especially to be acknowledged for it from time to time. 

When I decided not to bring a grocery bag because I didn't think that I'd need one and then having it turn out that I did I was pretty bummed. Even though Target isn't technically part of my smart goal I felt like I needed to have a bag since I bought grocerys, and it just bothers me in general now to ever use plastic bags. 

I havn't really been needing to use any strategie's lately because I've been remembering to use my bags. The reason I've been so successful is that my bags are almost always in my car.

Next Week
I am going to modify my SMART goal for next week to make it a little more challenging. " I will use a reusable bag everytime I go to the grocery store or Target."


  1. I just found out that the grocery store by the university actually gives you 5 cents for every bag of your own that you bring in.

  2. I love when people take time to acknowledge that you are doing something good, not that they are obligated too, but it feels good when they do! Good luck with the revamped goal!

  3. Good job at remembering your bags! Sounds like you are doing a good job. I saw some really cute re-usable bags at Wallgreens the other day too, so I had to get one :)
