Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 and 4

These last two weeks have been really informational. I started by meeting with Steve which was so helpful, because I was struggling with learning on this blogging stuff! I'm becoming much more confident in learning how to blog. I also picked my book for the my Read 'N' Seed posts, which is now "Under a Green Sky," by Peter Ward. I've started reading it and it seems like it's going to have a lot of good information in it.  I really liked the movie An Inconvenient Truth that we watched this last week. It was so eye-opening and scary! It makes me really want to start pay attention to my actions and how they may affect the environment. The same goes for the Earth Day Footprint quiz I took on monday. My results we're surprising so I'm excited to start with my Eco-Chic lifestyle change of using a reusable bag every time I go grocery shopping. I went grocery shopping for the first time today and remembered my bags! I hope I can everytime!


  1. After watching the video and doing the "eye opener" on Monday I am also inspired to make a change!

  2. As am I! it makes you think more about every little thing you do and how it effects the environment!

  3. An Inconvenient Truth definitely makes you think about how you contribute to our environment's current state! Very informative week!
