Monday, October 5, 2009

Ecological Footprint

I completed the "EarthDay foorprint Quiz" Quiz. I answered questions that pertained to my normaly habbits such as how much meat do I eat, how often do I ride the bus, and how much trash do you think you generate compared to the typical American. My findings were that it would take 3.9 planet Earths to provide enough resrources for me! It also takes 17.4 global acres of the Earths productive area which is 18.2 TONS of carbon dioxide. I was shocked by my results for this quiz. I knew I wasn't doing everything I could to live 'green', but i was surprised to learn that my habbits can make that big of an impact. I think everyone should take this quiz at some point just so they can become aware of how many resources we use and how much carbon dioxide just one person can produce. This makes me want to start taking the bus more often, and also when I'm not living in a rental house to be sure that I have energy efficient appliances in my home. Eating more locally grown produce could be something that I could start doing now to help improve my ecological footprint.


  1. You have a lot of great ideas to reduce your ecological footprint. :)

  2. Very good ideas! The quiz's are very informative...I think I want to do a few more of them!
