Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My Smart Goal

The SMART goal that I have chosen to do for the next the next 10 weeks is as follows:
"I will use a reusable bag everytime I go grocery shopping."

This is eco-chic because all of the plastic and paper bags from the grocery store can really start to add up. By using a reusable bag I will cut down on garabage and there will be at least at least a little less trash in landfills.  This is important to me because I read on the National Geographic website that it can take months to hundreds of  years for a plastic bag to decompose, and as it does so small amounts of toxics leak into the soil, lakes, oceans, and rivers. Aslo, a lot of the bags end up floating away and landing on river beds. However, a paper bag consumes % 40 more engergy, and  produces %70 more atmospheric emmissions, than a plastic bag. So though a plastic bag is the better choice between the two, to me it's still a lose-lose situation, and a reusable bag is by far the best way to go!


  1. Good luck with this! I hate that I always forget to use my bags, that picture you have is very disturbing!! Makes you really think about how big of an issue this is!

  2. I really want to start doing this as well! I just got a big bag from the St. Louis County Health Conference this past Monday, and it was made from old plastic bottles, which I thought was pretty cool! I want to start using that when I go to the grocery store! Good luck with your goal!

  3. Good luck with your goal! That picture is crazy! I also need to remember my reusable bags when shopping.
