Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

My smart goal was to use a reusable bag everytime I go grocery shopping. And it went really well this week ! A challenge that I faces was that I walked into the grocery store this week and realized I forgot my bags. So when I remembered, I turned around and went to my car to get them. This made me feel really proud of myself for actually turning around then get my bags and using them! Another challenge for me is when I do use my bags I often will leave them in my house and always have to remind myself to grab them on my way out the door. So far I've always had at least one in my car at all times. I've learned that it can be a challenge to always remember to bring my bags, but it's really rewarding when I use them :)

My plan for next will will remain the same. I will use a reusable everytime I go grocery shopping.


  1. Congrats on doing so well! I have added using reusable bags to my goal, so I know that it feels pretty good when you remember your bag!

  2. good job! Reading your posts helps remind me to use my bags too!
