Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly update

My smart goal was that ' I will use a reuable bag everytime I go grocery shopping.'

I have barely gone grocery shopping since last week. But I did go pick up a couple things yesterday and remembered to bring my bag. Which was a good success for me because I wasn't going to bring my bag into the store because I was only going to get two things, so I didn't think I needed one. But I ended up with a more than that so I was happy I grabbed it :)

This week was an easy week for my SMART challenge since I didn't do any major grocery shopping.

What I learned
I learned this week that I really enjoy using my reusable bag. It makes me feel like I may help inspire someone else to use them too.

Plans for Next Week
I'm planning on continuing with my goal for this next week. "I will use a reusable bag everytime I go to the grocery store."