Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 8

Week 8
This week went really well. I went to the grocery store once for a couple of things and remembered my reusable bag. I also went to Target once and just carried out what I had purchased because it was only a few things. However, when I went to the grocery store with my boyfriend and he drove I did not have a reusable bag to use.

I learned that it can be a challenge to go grocery shopping with someone else if they drive, because it's hard to remember to grab a bag before I leave. I felt guilty that I was at the grocery store buying a few things and didn't have my bags. I also have yet to go pick up a few more reusable bags, like I was planning on doing.

This week went really well, at least when I drove to the store.  I always had a bag in my car and also remembered to take it into the store with me each time.

Plans for Next Week
My plan for next week will remain the same. "I will use a reusable bag every time I go to the grocery store and Target."


  1. Hey, check out

    These are great looking bags made from recycled seat belts. I have the huge Tote of Many Colors that I use for groceries and laundry.


  3. We applaud your efforts!! At, we have FREE static clings for your car window that will help you (and your boyfriend) remember your reusable bags. Come visit our site and join our community of planet friendly individuals committed to a living a greener life. If each of us can influence one or two people, we can more than double our impact.

    Together we can make a difference....

  4. Sounds like things are going really well for you! Good luck this coming week!
