Friday, September 25, 2009

Reflections Weeks 1 and 2

Week 1
The first day of class was really hot! We did a rope activity and decided to do it outside. Each student in the class had to fit both of their feet inside a circle of rope that varied in sizes that were scattered around. Each time we switched Dr. V removed one circle of rope. By the end of the activity there was only one circle of rope left for the entire class to fir their feet in to. We had to problem-solve ways for it to work, eventually realizing that all of our bodies don’t have to fit inside the rope just our feet. This lead into our discussion about critical thinking, and why it’s important to always look at problems with an open mind. We then started to learn the basics of blogging and going over what’s to be expected for the rest of the semester.

Week 2
The sencond day of that class we watched a really interesting video clip off of a 60 minutes episode. It was about global warming and how when Bush was in office the government was censoring what information could be told to the public; trying to make things look better than they really were. I thought that was really interesting. We also learned about putting gadgets into our blog.


  1. I really like your new picture!I also enjoyed the "star wars" activity. Have a good day! see you next week.

  2. I liked the "star wars" activity too! I think this will be a good class because its not about memorization its about critically thinking about different things which I think I am really going to enjoy!
